Works like magic
Today was the first time I see acupuncture right before my eyes and the patient is none other than my mother. Her face has got 6 needles and 1 one each hand. I sat there for 20 minutes wondering how it feels like. Today, was also my first time taking anti-depressants. Funny thing is they actually have it in the Chinese medical clinic. At first, it just makes me feel moodless, then it started to kick off which made me randomly text Ian with the content, "I'll bust your nuts". Then I got all crazy and bleached my hair cause I thought it'll be fun having grey hair but it turned out to be brown. So much for saving $40 bucks on hair colour....
Today, was my first time going for lectures alone with only about 7 people from my class attending. I felt really lonely.. and shitty.. Thanks for not coming to school guys. I'm referring to you, Jue mao, Cheryl, Lin Hui and Kevin. Better treat me well tomorrow. Haha.
I'm going to make Strawberry shortcake for my project tomorrow. Can't wait!!
Lying on my lap and gazing into my eye.
Thinking that you were the perfect man in my life.
We crushed our lips and became one.
Away from you, I'll never run.